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Military Demarcation Line
(Boundary line for the South and the North)

The Military Demarcation Line is surrounded by the Demilitarized Zone under the provisions of the Armistice (cease-fire) Agreement signed on July, 1953. The Military Demarcation Line runs 155miles and separates the South and the North. Southern and Northern boundaries of the DMZ are located 2km apart from the MDL.

The Demilitarized Zone, which consists of the area between Southern and Northern boundaries of the DMZ, was established to serve as a buffer zone to prevent any means of provocative action and collision between the South and the North.

The civilian off-limit line was set up near the southern boundary of DMZ creating the civilian off-limit area, and its exact location varies from 5 to 20km away from Southern boundary of the DMZ. The civilian off-limit area is different from the actual DMZ where installation of military facilities, station of armed troops and positioning of weapons are prohibited under the provisions of the Armistice Agreement.
Because of its low population density and restrained development, the civilian off-limit area was able to maintain excellent level of natural environment. Along with the DMZ, the area recently is highly valued for environmental resource and undisrupted ecosystem.
guard on duty at fence
guard on duty at check point