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Elena | 2017.07.20 15:55 | view 579

Hi! I'm coming to South Korea for a week in August, will arrive to Seoul on Saturday, 19th.

How can I book the tour to DMZ for Sunday, August 20th?

I would like to visit both JSA and the tunnel, but please let me know, what options do you have - I'm quite flexible.

Thank you in advance!

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[eng]Tour Inquiry
no title name hit day
1781 답글 RE:Saturday combined tour 3rd tunnel & Panmunjom Service Club 851 2017.09.14 11:44
1780 Panmunjom&DMZ Combined Tour 16/09 inquiry Tomasz 859 2017.09.06 17:20
1779 답글 RE:Panmunjom&DMZ Combined Tour 16/09 inquiry Tomasz 865 2017.09.07 11:40
1778 Combined Tour Panmunjom & DMZ carol 1094 2017.08.06 00:15
1777 답글 RE:Combined Tour Panmunjom & DMZ carol 977 2017.08.07 10:03
1776 3rd Tunnel and Panmunjom Tour Ingrid 808 2017.08.04 08:44
1775 답글 RE:3rd Tunnel and Panmunjom Tour Ingrid 887 2017.08.04 15:23
1774 Panmunjeom Tour Inquiry (August 16,2017) David 603 2017.08.03 09:49
1773 답글 RE:Panmunjeom Tour Inquiry (August 16,2017) David 708 2017.08.03 15:45
1772 Panmunjom Tour after Chuseok Holiday Victor Alonso 903 2017.07.25 05:02
1771 답글 RE:Panmunjom Tour after Chuseok Holiday Service Club 907 2017.07.25 11:49
1770 Question for the combined tour Mr. Law 890 2017.07.21 17:28
1769 답글 RE:Question for the combined tour Mr. Law 990 2017.07.22 11:31
>> Ms. Elena 580 2017.07.20 15:55
1767 답글 RE:Ms. Elena 629 2017.07.21 08:47
1766 Panmunjom & 3rd Tunnel Combined Tour Michael Park 895 2017.07.11 02:32
1765 답글 RE:Panmunjom & 3rd Tunnel Combined Tour Service Club 1326 2017.07.11 09:18
1764 답글 RE:RE:Panmunjom & 3rd Tunnel Combined Tour Service Club 958 2017.07.13 05:34
1763 답글 RE:RE:RE:Panmunjom & 3rd Tunnel Combined Tour Service Club 1011 2017.07.13 10:36
1762 3rd tunnel and panmunjom combined tour inquiry A.Wang 867 2017.07.05 23:18