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[RE] Tour Availability

Service Club | 2010.09.27 10:03 | view 4473
It not available for the Panmunjom tour on November 26th. Because of the Thankgiving day on 25th and 26th, so closed Panmunjom area.


>I would like to do the Panmunjom tour starting on November 26, 2010 for 1 person from Hong Kong. Is there availability for that day? Thanks.
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[eng]Tour Inquiry
no title name hit day
101 답글 Aboutkalwt Gundoseka 2869 2012.11.02 06:40
100 답글 [RE] Tour enquiry tourdmz 4139 2010.11.04 10:52
99 I would like to join 3rd tunnel & panmunjom tour YAYA 4148 2010.10.29 00:10
98 답글 [RE] I would like to join 3rd tunnel & panmunjom tour tourdmz 4124 2010.10.29 10:11
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95 Tour khasrul 4272 2010.10.04 00:55
94 답글 [RE] Tour tourdmz 3968 2010.10.04 09:39
93 Tour Availability Sarah Kerr 3947 2010.09.27 21:33
92 답글 [RE] Tour Availability Service Club 4053 2010.09.28 09:02
91 답글 [RE] Tour Availability keree7 4103 2010.09.28 10:51
90 Tour Availability Bobby 4432 2010.09.27 03:06
>> 답글 [RE] Tour Availability Service Club 4474 2010.09.27 10:03
88 답글 [RE] Tour Availability Bobby 4404 2010.09.27 12:08
87 답글 [RE] Tour Availability tourdmz 4393 2010.09.28 08:56
86 Combined Tour Edwin Ing 4285 2010.09.27 01:20
85 답글 [RE] Combined Tour tourdmz 4147 2010.09.27 09:57
84 답글 [RE] Combined Tour edwin ing 4204 2010.09.27 11:37
83 Panmunjom tour James 3937 2010.09.24 10:27
82 답글 [RE] Panmunjom tour tourdmz 3926 2010.09.24 10:41